Contact Contact Us
Contact information Contact information
Shenzhen JLT Smart Home Co., Ltd.
Shang Li Lang, Longgang District, Shenzhen 10th Floor, Building 9, Zhongsheng Technology Park
(+86) 755 8523 4581 400-993-8680
TALENT CONCEPT Talent concept

Talent is the first resource of an enterprise. Both senior managers and ordinary employees fighting in production, sales and technical positions should recognize the "ladder cat" culture

Willing to contribute to them, regardless of the size of their contribution, they are "ladder cat" indispensable talent.

Employment principle

Moral integrity and ability both for the first, a virtuous reuse

There is no cultivation of virtue, there is no virtue

Education principle

Implement dedicated and professional professionalism

Adhere to practice and innovation, because of material education

Principle of retention

The cause retained people, feelings retained people, the system retained people

Pay keeps people, environment keeps people

regionai distribution Regional distribution
  • South China (headquarters)
  • East China area
  • Central China area
  • Southwest area
  • Northwest area
  • North China
  • Northeast area

QQ for service: 2397936731

Complaints hotline:(86) 755 8523 4581-801

Enterprise email:2881716330@QQ.COM

South China business manager(Mr Meng):13714786877 QQ: 2881716330

East China business manager(Miss Bai):13316984913 QQ: 2881716331

Southwest area business manager(Miss Mo):13316913080 QQ: 2881716336

Northwest area business manager(Mr zhang):13713697790 QQ: 2881716333

Business manager in central China(Miss Wang):18823334360 QQ: 2881716338

Northeast area business manager(Miss Liu):13316919772 QQ: 2881716335

North China business manager(Mr Yang):15766004115 QQ: 2397936731